The Workers Theme from "The Sad Story of Henry" packs in catchy percussion to simulate the workers walling up Henry.Terence's theme nails this tractor's slow-paced but hardworking approach to work as he helps out Thomas when he gets stuck in the snow, with hard but cheery instrumentation.Bertie's theme, plus its triumphant remix is a lively number with a tune fitting with the little bus' attitude and motivations to race Thomas.The Race theme from "Percy and Harold" is a tense and fun piece packing in fast, cheeky instrumentation to emphasise on the thrill of rail and air racing.The Skarloey Railway theme sets the pleasant tone of the Narrow Gauge engines working hard and chuffing through the country with their trains.Similarly, the crash theme may be tense, but it's pretty awesome too. Percy's original theme is a jaunty and cheeky piece that suits Percy's youthful and cheeky nature perfectly.Harold's theme embodies the sense of flying in a helicopter with its free sounding instrumentation.The season 4 remix also counts, as brief as it is. The triumphant rendition of Henry's theme that's played as he pulls the Flying Kipper along the line shows just how grand of an engine Henry can be when allowed to run to the best of his ability.Extra props to the vocal version of the theme. James' old theme is an fun, jazzy and splendid piece befitting the really splendid engine.Special props to this orchestral fan cover which cranks the epicness up to eleven, turning into a theme worthy of Alan Silvestri. Gordon's Season 1 theme, a grand piece for whenever the proud engine thunders down the line with the Express.Edward's original theme, particularly the version used in "Cows" and "Edward's Exploit", the latter of which has one of Edward's Moments of Awesome.

Both episodes feature a Moment of Awesome.